Previous Years Turbine Forum

Multiscale Characterization of High Performance Alloys under Additive Manufacturing Conditions, Dr. Amy J Clarke
Amy J. Clarke is a professor in the George S. Ansell Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Co-Director for the Center for Advanced Non-Ferrous Structural Alloys, and a faculty member with the Advanced Steel Processing and Products Research Center at the Colorado School of Mines (Mines). She also holds a joint appointment with Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and is a Guest Scientist at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL).
Her research focuses on physical metallurgy and making, measuring, and modeling metallic alloys during processing to realize advanced manufacturing. She also performs multiscale materials characterization with electrons, x-rays, neutrons, and protons, such as real-time imaging of metallic alloy solidification dynamics during simulated additive manufacturing and ultrafast diffraction during deformation.
Amy earned her B.S. degree from Michigan Technological University (MTU) and her M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from Mines in Metallurgical and Materials Engineering. Prior to joining Mines, she was a Scientist and Seaborg Institute Postdoctoral Fellow at LANL and Senior Engineer – Development/Research at Caterpillar Inc. Amy has received a U.S. DOE Office of Science Early Career Research Program Award, an Office of Naval Research Young Investigator Program Award, and a Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (nominated by the U.S. Department of Energy and the National Nuclear Security Administration’s Defense Programs), the highest honor bestowed by the United States government on science and engineering professionals during the early stages of their careers.
Amy has served on The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS) Board of Directors and Association for Iron & Steel Technology Board of Directors, as Chair of the Advanced Photon Source Users Organization at Argonne National Laboratory, serves on the MTU College of Engineering and Materials Science and Engineering External Advisory Boards, is an Editor for Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, and was named a 2018 Fellow of ASM International and a 2020 TMS Brimacombe Medalist.
Technical Program
Tuesday, October 5th
8:00 am Opening Remarks, by Cal Lacasse
Session Chair Micheal Graham, Prince and Izant
8:15 am Key Note: Multiscale Characterization of High Performance Alloys under Additive Manufacturing Conditions by Dr. Amy Clarke
9:00 am Microstructure and Processing Links in Beta-Titanium during Additive Manufacturing, by Chris Jasien
9:30 am Microstructural and Texture Evolution in Additively Manufactured Ti-6Al-4V, by Alec Saville
10:00 am Break – Food and Refreshments
10:30 am Perspectives on AM Certification/Qualification and Powder Reuse Methods, by Jesse Boyer
11:00 am Design, Development, Testing and Validation of an improved lower emission additively manufactured combustor fuel injection system for advance class industrial gas turbine, by Dr. Gregory Vogel
11:30 am Microstructural Evolution in Ti/TiC Composites Fabricated By Laser-Directed Energy Deposition, by Ben Long
Noon Lunch – Fully Catered
Session Chair, Warren Miglietti, Prince and Izant
2:00 pm Innovative High Temperature powder material ABM-900AM for additive manufacturing, by Adeline Riou and William Dick-Cleland
2:30 pm High Strength Ni Alloys, by Dr. Anthony Manerbino
3:00 pm Break – Food and Refreshments
3:30 pm Panel Discussion Women in 3D, Professional Pathways in Additive Manufacturing and Industry 4.0 Moderator: Dawn Putney, Panelist: Callie Higgins, Heather Hostetter, Debra Wilcox, Maddie Guillory
4:30 pm Campus Tour of Colorado School of Mines Research Facilities
Wednesday, October 6th
Session Chair Chuck Fuerstenau, Prince and Izant
9:00 am Extending weld repair limits for platform cracks on F-Class rotating components", by Dr. Warren Miglietti
9:30 am Advanced Repair Welding for Jet Engine Restoration, by Nick Kapustka (EWI), also by Jamie Speck (GE Aviation), Suhas Vaze (GE Aviation), Tim Stotler (EWI)
10:00 am Break – Food and Refreshments
10:30 am Aluminum Fan Case Bolt Hole Repair, by Tim Stotler (EWI), also by Greg Firestone (EWI), Suhas Vaze (GE Aviation)
11:00 am Repair of thin-wall geometries and surface defects in conventional and additive manufactured components using electrospark deposition, by Kevin Chan
11:30 am An Assessment of Weldability & Additive Manufacturability of Ni-Based Superalloys through Modeling, Simulation, and Experiment, by Dr. Jonah Klemm-Toole
Noon Lunch – Fully Catered
2:00 pm Dual Base Fluoride Ion Cleaning (FIC) / Vapor Phase Aluminizing system for gas turbine superalloy component repair and coating applications, by Robert Kornfeld
2:30 pm Advances in Scan Head Laser Welding Technology, by Jay Kapur
3:00 pm The Application of HIP and High Pressure Heat Treatment for Aerospace Components, by Chad Beamer
5:00 pm Party, Golden Hotel, Private area at Bridgewater Grill
Thursday, October 7th
Session Chair Michael Graham, Prince and Izant
8:30 am Ductile Braze Repairs for Ni-Base Superalloy Components using a Multi Principal Element Alloy Filler, by Benjamin Schneiderman and Olivia DeNonno, students
9:00 am Thermal-sprayed cladding Composition Design for Steel Drill Pipes, by Zhenzhen Yu, W. Ott, S. Liu, J. Scott, H. Nguyen
9:30 am On the Evolution of Thermal Barrier Coatings, by Dr. Purush Sahoo
10:00 am Break – Food and Refreshments
10:30 am durable low-k TBC, by Dr. Chin Ma
11:00 am Innovation in Thermal Spray Masking Solutions, by Jay Kapur
11:30 am Preventing Stress Relaxation Cracking in Stainless Steel Thermal Energy Storage Tank Welds for Elevated Temperature Service by Timothy Pickle
Noon Fully Catered Lunch
Session Chair, Jay Kapur, Aimtek
1:00 pm Evaluation of Wetting Angles on Superalloys, by Michael Graham
1:30 pm am Enabling Manufacturing of Multi-Material Structures through Development of New Interlayer Alloys, by Dr. Zhenzhen Yu
2:00 pm am A Comparison of the Mechanical Properties of two Ni-Based Braze Alloys containing only B versus B and Si as melt point depressants, by Dr. Warren Miglietti
2:30 pm Honeywell Aerospace, - Challenges in Mechanical Testing For Brazed Multi-Joint Fin and Plate Heat Exchangers by Gerardo Romero
3:00 pm Induction Heating and Its Advantages with Turbine Technologies, by Scott McAllister
3:30 pm Closing Remarks, by Cal Lacasse